Aly's Spain Adventure

Read about what I'm doing while in Spain so you can keep up with me!

Location: Des Moines, Iowa, United States

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Day 21
Ok so I´m in Barcelona now (Saturday) but I wanted to write Thursday so that I don´t try and write about like 4 or 5 days on Monday. So Thursday even though I was exhausted from the party I went to school and that all went well. Linda and I made reservations at the hostel we planned on staying at in Barcelona and learned how to print things at school. I also had a meeting about choosing classes for the semester and I´m still waiting to hear that everything I want will transfer. Since my school in Spain in basically a journalism school I can´t take any courses for my major so I´m just getting the AOI´s (crap classes that everyone has to take) out of the way. I will take fotografia (photography) for my art AOI, Etica y deotonlogia (ethics and deontology) for my ethics AOI, Marketing I which will hopefully transfer for my business minor, Historia y teoria de cine (history and theory of film) for my HISTORY AOI, and hopefully a spanish politics class for my international/multicultural AOI. So I headed home to look at my stuff to make sure those were the classes I wanted (we can change them if we find out it´s different). After that I took a little nap (like always) and then I went over to Emily´s to use her internet for a bit and also give her my sheet with classes on it that I want to turn in for me tomorrow (since I´ll be in Barcelona). I traded some pictures with her so hopefully I will put them up soon. So our bus was leaving at midnight so I got back to my place around 10pm and packed and all that and on my way up the elevator I met a girl named Teresa who is Spanish and lives right below us so now I have a new friend! I headed on my way out and almost forgot my ticket but ran back and got it and then headed to the station. I had a glass of really gross wine and waited for Linda and Marina who got there and we all hopped on the bus which was really nice. There was so really weird lady sitting in Marina´s seat (right next to mine) so we were glad when she realized she had the wrong seat! Marina and I talked a little and we also talked to the people behind us who are from the US also. And then we got some sleep. Find out what happens on Friday later (my birthday btw)!
Dos besos!


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